vineri, 21 martie 2008

Apel din partea lui Vladimir Bukovski

Dear Colleagues,
Our friends from St. Petersburg are asking for support. Maxim Reznik, the leader of the democratic opposition in the city, was arrested about three weeks ago on fabricated charges. People campaigning in defence of him suffer repression, too. This is certainly a start of a major attack by the regime against the dissidents, so it must be countered the sooner the better.
On Sunday 30 March I will picket the Russian Embassy in London with the poster saying 'Freedom to Maxim Reznik! Freedom to political prisoners!'.
I ask you to do the same in your own cities on the same date. I need it to happen in as many countries as possible. Do mobilise media to report that. Do let me know if you are going to support me, to give us time to help you with the media if we can.
It is very important to have all of us doing that simultaneously, that is, on the 30th of March. I believe such an international demonstration is the only way to force the Russian regime stop that chain of repression.
Thank you, Vladimir

joi, 20 martie 2008

Conferinta AZIR din aprilie

Invitata din luna aprilie la Serile FJSC este Tia Serbanescu.
Cunoscuta semnatara a Bref-ului,gazduit in ultimii ani de cotidianul Curentul, le va vorbi studentilor pe tema independentei jurnalistului.
Este posibil sa fii independent in conditiile presei din Romania azi? Cat il costa pe ziarist independenta? Dialogul Tiei Serbanescu cu studentii in jurnalism va avea loc in 17 aprilie, orele 17, in acelasi sediu de la Leu a facultatii si va fi moderat de Doina Jela, secretar AZIR si de Antonio Momoc, lector la Facultatea de Jurnalism si Stiintele Comunicarii.

vineri, 14 martie 2008

Conferintele AZIR la Facultatea de Jurnalism si Stiintele Comunicarii

Joi seara, in cadrul serilor Facultatii de Jurnalism si Stiintele Comunicarii, unul dintre membrii fondatori AZIR, Mihai Creanga, a sustinut o conferinta despre Jurnalism si disidenta. Discutiile cu studentii au avut ca punct de pornire experienta infiintarii unui ziar clandestin, intr-o perioada care pentru multi dintre cei aflati in sala se reconstituie doar din carti, fiind un fapt de istorie strain de istoriile personale. Poate tocmai de aceea, interesul studentilor s-a indreptat spre fapte dintre cele mai concrete, istorisirile impresionante lui Mihai Creanga reusind sa refaca, din fragmente, o lume care astazi pare, pentru mai tinara generatie, indepartata si plina de semne de intrebare.

Mihai Creanga este unul dintre cei patru lucratori in presa, care au infiintat, cu aproape un an inainte de caderea regimului Ceausescu un ziar clandestin. Arestat si anchetat alaturi de colegii sai Petre Mihai Bacanu,Andrei Uncu si Alexandru Chivoiu, Mihai Creanga ar fi facut desigur ani grei de inchisoare daca regimul nu s-ar fi prabusit.
Discutiile de la Serile FJSC nu s-au limitat doar la modalitatea concreta de realizare a unui ziar clandestin, la practicarea meseriei de jurnalist intr-un regim totalitar sau la experienta anchetelor de la Securitate, ci au depasit tema propusa initial (Jurnalism si disidenta), urmarind primii ani ai jurnalismului liber, lipsit de constringeri politice, si punind totodata problema romaneasca intr-un context mai larg, prin comparatie cu formele de disidenta din alte state ale fostului Bloc Sovietic (Polonia, Cehia, Ungaria).

joi, 6 martie 2008

Mihai Creanga la Serile FJSC - in 13 martie

Amanata din motive de sanatate, intalnirea dlui Mihai Creanga, membru fondator AZIR cu studentii de la Facultatea de Jurnalism si Stiintele Comunicarii va avea loc in n13 martie, orele 19, la sediul facultatii de la Leu, sala 614.
Tema conferintei dezbatere va fi Jurnalistii si disidenta.

De la Peter Kramer -secretar general AEJ

De la Peter Kramer -secretar general AEJ

To the leadership of the sections, special relations, members of the Media Freedom Network and committees, and other friends

Sorry that I need two tries for sending this message correctly. I hope this one is ok now and that you will read it and give response!

1 – On February 22, we had a very fruitful Executive Committee meeting in Athens and celebrated the same day the glorious revival of the European Journalism Prize, thanks to the National Bank of Greece and to our dear colleagues of the Greek section -> the winner was Geoff Meade, a very well known Brussels based correspondent from the UK. AEJ Austria’s President Otmar Lahodynsky was one of the winners of the Kalligas Award. More information very soon on the AEJ website and in the AEJ Newsletter.

2 – On February 28, William Horsley, AEJ Media Freedom Representative, presented in Brussels the Update of AEJ’s Media Freedom Survey Goodbye to Freedom?. Brussels-based journalists and representatives of international journalist’s organisations (NUJ, EFJ/IFJ) were present in this meeting organised by ‘Journalists@YourService’ and the Belgian AEJ section. The coverage of the event was very good. Thanks to Celia Hampton, the AEJ-UK website ( has the Update, the transcript of Williams’ presentation, the NUJ report and the original Survey etc. All can be clicked and accessed!

3. - WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY. Last year 9 of the AEJ sections have celebrated WPFD. Now the AEJ is broadly recognised as one of the journalist’s organisation that Freedom of the Media seriously considered as one of the main subjects, it would be great that even more sections are active around WPFD 2008.

In Athens we talked about the subject and many sections showed their intentions and plans for WPFD 2008.

Request: may I invite all the sections to let me know before March 31 what activities are planned for May 3 (or another date before are after), If you need support or advice, please contact me or William (

4 – SPEAK UP EUROPE. In Athens we talked about ‘European Movement’ 60 years (1948-2008), celebrated with the Congress of Europe in The Hague 23-24 May 2008. European Movement (as you know the AEJ is a member of EM) is looking for ideas and comments on the future of Europe. The 60 best ideas will be presented during the Congress in The Hague directly to the leaders of Europe.

Request: please leave your ideas and comments on the future of Europe on a special blog. Visit